Conference Programme

The full 2020

Here you can find the full programme of the forum GrowCongo! Invest in Agriculture . 

Registration and Networking

  • 08:00-09:00
  • Marble Hall

Arrival and registration of participants

Opening Ceremony

  • 09:00-10:10
  • Queen Maxima Theatre

Official opening of GrowCongo! Invest in Agriculture.

  • Word of Welcome: by our moderator Ms. Rose-Marie Bouboutou 
  • Setting the Scene: The Netherlands Then & Now: Agricultural Development in Perspective by Mr. Michiel van Erkel
  • Keynote Address: Growing Congo’s agricultural sector, together. Appeal to international partnerships by His Excellency Henri Djombo
  • Presentation: Commercial agricultural as a driver of sustainable economic growth in Congo by Mr. Jean Saint-Geours of IFC
  • Presentation: Ensuring inclusiveness in agricultural development: The role of smallholder farmers by Mr. John Hurley of the IFAD |  Presentation IFAD (PDF), Remarks (PDF)
  • Presentation: Agricultural development in the context of a changing climate  by Dr. Roberto Ridolfi of the FAO
  • The Official Opening: GrowCongo! Planting a seed for partnerships by His Excellency Clément Mouamba 

Dr. Roberto Ridofi

Morning Coffee Break and Exhibition Visit

  • 10:10-10:45
  • Queen Maxima Theatre

Under the enjoyment of coffee and other refreshments, there is an opportunity to network and visit the showcased exhibition.


Summary of the National Development Plan 2018 – 2022

  • 10:45 - 11:00
  • Queen Maxima Theatre

Presentation: National Strategy, a Summary of the PNDA of the Republic of the Congo by Her Excellency Ingrid Eboucka Babakas

Panel: Business and Investment Climate

  • 11:00-12:00
  • Queen Maxima Theatre

During this interactive panel, the participants discuss the current business and investment climate in the Republic of Congo. Speakers include Ms. Annick Mongo, Managing Director of the agency for investment promotion (API), Mr. Didier Mavouenzela, President of the Chamber of Commerce of Congo’s second-largest city Pointe-Noire, Cir. Yvon Ngoumba Koukebessenet, Director of Cabinet at the Ministry in charge of Land Affairs and Public Domain, Republic of Congo and Rui Frederico Barreto, founder of La Poule Qui Ruit and Nathalie Schermann, founder of Joe & Avrels.

Networking Lunch and Exhibition Visit

  • 12:00-13.00
  • Marble Hall

Break in between the workshops

  • 14:00-14:15
  • Marble Hall

Short break after second Workshop round

  • 15:15-15:30
  • Marble Hall

Panel: How to finance an inclusive agriculture in the Republic of Congo

  • 15:30-16:30
  • Queen Maxima Theatre

The Panel will discuss the following points:

  • The development of financial services
  • Challenges surrounding agricultural financing, opportunities for locally attracted finance, foreign investment, public finance


  • Mr. Patrick Sevaistre, CIAN. Moderator
  • Ms. Yvonne-Adelaïde Mougany, Minister of SMEs and Craftmanship, Republic of Congo
  • Mr. Frank Nagel, Rabo Partnerships
  • Mr. Jean St-Geours, the World Bank
  • Ms. Suze Percy Filippini, FAO Congo

Partnership Announcements, Acknowledgements and Closing Ceremony

  • 16:30-17:00
  • Marble Hall

Networking Reception and Networking with Financial Institutions

  • 17:00-18:00
  • Queen Maxima Theatre



Walking Dinner

  • 18:00-19:30
  • Marble Hall