Dr. Akouango Parisse was born on February 18, 1965, in the district of Boundji, department of Cuvette in Congo Brazzaville. After his primary studies at the Charles Kibangou Primary School of Dolisie in Brazzaville in 1976, he obtained his Certificate of Primary and Elementary Studies and entered the Mafoua Virgile secondary school in Brazzaville. Undergoing the multiple assignments of his father as a teacher, he successively enrolled at the Gampo Olilou College in Brazzaville and the Tsamas College in Boundji, where he had obtained his Brevet d’études moyennes générales in 1980. He joined the Lycée de la Libération in Brazzaville and obtained his Baccalauréat Scientifique in 1984. With the help of a Congolese scholarship, he studied at the Academy of Zootechnical and Veterinary Sciences of Moscow in the USSR. In 1990, he successfully obtained his Master’s degree in Zootechnical-reproduction. In the same university, he went through doctoral training of genetics and animal reproduction during 3 years of research where he successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis in agricultural sciences in the specialty reproduction and improvement of the performances of farm animals in 1993.
When Dr. Akouanga returned to Congo he taught for a year at the Lycée Agricole de Brazzaville from 1994 to 1995 and was retained as a teaching provider or temporary worker at the Institute of Rural Development (IDR) of the Marien Ngouabi University from 1996 to 2001. In 2015 dr. Akouanga became a Professor at CAMES University. In this academic background, he held the position of Head of Laboratory, Head of Department and since 2009, he is the Director of the National Higher School of Agronomy and Forestry in abbreviation ENSAF (ex. IDR) and in 2016 he creates the doctoral training “Agriculture and Forestry” where he is the coordinator.
While being a professor, he has never stopped traveling to countless countries to learn and acquire agricultural expertise, earning numerous certificates of study in agricultural sciences. Driven by the desire to study abroad he went to France in 2017 to obtain his certificate on Qualitative Surveys of Agricultural Projects at Idele. Moreover, he obtained a Master on Sustainable Development and New Strategies for the year 2017-2018 at Jean Moulin Lyon 3 in collaboration with the International Organisation of La Francophonie.
Passionate about serving his country, he has been a national consultant in the agricultural field ever since. He is the author of two agricultural books, a novel, and numerous scientific articles. He has already trained many Masters and PhDs in agricultural sciences, recruited as teachers at the University Marien Ngouabi. Currently, Dr. Akouango is writing a book on “Sustainable Development Frameworks”.